Race Timer

Logos Technology

User Manual


4. Software Installation

The software installation procedure only needs to be completed once on the computer (Laptop or Desktop) being used for controlling and monitoring the race. If you are unsure of these steps please seek advice from your IT administrator.

  1. Install Microsoft .Net 4.5 on the computer (if this hasn’t already been done).
    If you are not sure if it installed then proceed to step to which should automatically instruct you to install .Net and direct you to the correct location on the Microsoft web site.
    Here is the link for the software on the Microsoft site (see also note 2 below):
    Once installed it should appear as “Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5” under Control Panel/Programs and Features.
  2. Install the Race Timer application software by selecting the following link:


  1. An active internet connection will be required only initially when installing the prerequisites and application software. However when completed the software will operate without an active internet connection.
  2. Microsoft .Net 4.5 can also be installed via the Windows Update option on the computer.
  3. New versions of the software should be automatically downloaded and installed when connected to the internet.
